Welcome Parents

We are so excited to have you here! This is a replay of the Motivation Webinar conducted last Thursday. If you missed out, it will be on this page until Sunday 6th September midnight so you can learn how to motivate your child to start the year right!

Join us for the next webinar on Time Management!

Arrange a call back from Kirun

Meet Your Presenter

Kirun Goy is the Managing Director of Elevate Education Asia. He has presented 800+ workshops to 30,000+ students, parents and teachers in 7 countries with one goal: to help students study smarter not harder. He believes that empowering parents with the knowledge to make real change in their child’s study habits is a crucial part of that. He can’t wait to share how you can do that in this webinar.

** Disclaimer: At this uncertain time when communities are affected worldwide by the coronavirus, Elevate Education is running this event for free. However, in future, events such as this may be behind a paywall. This event is free due to exceptional circumstances and Elevate make no guarantee that future events will remain free.

Copyright 2020 Elevate Education Pty Ltd.